Our Story

Dutchmen Farms is a growing, family-owned and operated farm located in the mountains of Western North Carolina. It was founded in 2011 and has sold freezer beef ever since. We started with just a couple of Charolais cows and over the years the herd has multiplied into a herd of about 50 cattle.  Charolais beef tends to be leaner than most others and the fact that they’re raised on pastures makes the taste really stand out.  

Dutchmen Farms prides itself on selling the highest quality meat on the market in the most environmentally friendly way possible. As a small cow/calf farm selling pasture raised beef, we raise our own livestock from birth.  Our primary feed source is grass and hay for the cattle and pasture.  We have a federal meat handler’s license that allows us to label, transport and sell frozen meats.  Without a license, the FDA does not allow any of this to be possible.

Click on each member below to learn more about how they contribute to the farm...
  • Cody Zuiderveen
    Cody Zuiderveen
    Equipment operator
  • Anika Farmer
    Anika Farmer
    Marketer and beekeeper
  • Zach Zuiderveen
    Zach Zuiderveen
    Farm manager
  • Scott and Tami Zuiderveen
    Scott and Tami Zuiderveen

Want a look at what we do?

Some of our tasks can include moving cows, collecting eggs, playing with baby animals, and baling hay. For the past many years we also work with a few of our young heifers to bring them to the Macon County Fair. To see more, check out our Facebook and Instagram!